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Dynamic Voicing 2

Take your interpretations from accurate to dynamically equivalent! This workshop explores how equivalence in an interpretation can be achieved through analysis of the content and context of a message.


A Little About the Presenter
Amber Tucker is a certified ASL-English interpreter, mentor, presenter, and interpreter trainer. She has a bachelor’s degree in American Studies: Ethnic Studies, Diversity and Difference from the University of Iowa, and a master’s degree in Deaf History and Culture: Audism and Allyship from Union Institute & University. Ms. Tucker has taught in Interpreter Training Programs at the community college and university levels for over 10 years and has been a workshop presenter and mentor for over 15 years. Amber has a passion for professional development rooted in a philosophy of lifelong learning and partnership with the Deaf community.

Part two: Register will be held on May 25, 2024, from 10am – 12pm Pacific Time on Zoom
Register is more than just word choice. This workshop explores all of the facets of register to improve recognition of various registers in English and ASL, as well as the selection of appropriate register features while interpreting from ASL into English. Participants will have opportunities for application during the workshop and will take away several practice activities to do alone or with a mentor or community of practice.
Education Objectives include: 

  • Define “register”.

  • List identifying characteristics of the 5 register types.

  • Explain at least one activity for reflective practice on register.

Vancro Integrated Interpreting Services (VIIS) is an approved RID CMP sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. Each workshop is offered for .2 CEUs in the Professional Studies area at the “some” Content Knowledge level for a total of .4 CEUs. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance. The target audience for this activity is: ASL-English Interpreters, interpreting students, and interns.

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